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What are the components of the Califia Perfusion Simulator?

The three components of the Califia Perfusion Simulator, are the Califia Patient Module (CPM), the Laptop Computer, and the Touchscreen Monitor. Apply power to each component.

The CPM connects to the Laptop Computer using an ethernet cable. Two cables connect the Touchscreen Monitor to the laptop, an HDMI cable, and a USB cable

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What is CPM Hydraulic Ports and what types of ports?

ArterialMain delivery port into the CPM. It connects to the oxygenator outflow line.
VenousThe CPM’s drainage port. It connects to a venous reservoir in the case of CPB or directly to the pump’s inlet port in ECMO circuit configurations.
CardioplegiaSecondary deliver port into the CPM. Used for Cardioplegia delivery during CPB or as a second delivery port in hybrid ECMO circuit configurations.
VentSecondary drainage port. During CPB, it can connect to the Left Ventricle Vent pump.
DrainTertiary drainage port. It is used to drain the CPM’s reservoir during the teardown process.
OverflowIt provides runoff should the CPM’s reservoir overfill.

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CPM connections for Cardiopulmonary Bypass (CPB)

Connections from a simplified CPB circuit to the CPM

HLM – Heart Lung Machine

CPM- Califia patient Module

Systemic blood pumpArterial
Venous ReservoirVenous
Cardioplegia deliveryCardioplegia
LV Vent pumpVent